Lots of Spills and Sunshine

Lots of Spills and Sunshine

Sunday, November 21, 2010

First time being tagged!

Four shows I watch:

1. The Good Wife
2. Real Housewives of Orange County
3. Real Housewives of New York
4. Real Housewives of New Jersey

Four things I am passionate about:

1. My children
2. My husband
3. Psychiatric Nursing
4. My brain

Four phrases I say a lot:

1. Youre driving me crazy!
2. I'm gunna loose it!
3. One.... two..... three....
4. Hi my name is Chelsea I will be your student nurse today

Four things I have learned from the past:

1. Judging brings you down
2. Strength comes from places you never imagined
3. Life is too short to worry( i still worry though:))
4. Online dating can be a great thing

Four places I would like to go:

1. Pennsylvania
2. Africa
3. Istanbul
4. On a date with my husband

Four things I did yesterday:

1. Went to an amazing seminar by Dr. Earl Henslin regarding the BRAIN and all its wonders!
2. Did a 360 on the freeway! (very scary)
3. Hugged and kissed my kids.
4. Decided I am going to take the supplement pharmagabba for the rest of my life!

Four things I am looking forward too:

1. Waxing my hairy upper lip:) I am worried icicles may form!
2. Shopping for Christmas presents for my kids.
3. Graduating from school
4. Todd being able to work so I can quit my job

Four things I love about winter:

1. Hot apple cider
2. Christmas
3. Snow on trees
4. Movie/ popcorn days with the kids

Four things on my wish list:

1. Healthy happy children
2. A pandora bracelet
3. A calm Basal Ganglia and Temporal Lobes:) ( Dr. Henslin has opened up my mind and helped me realize I need to give my Basal Ganglia a break and a little extra TLC)
4. A happy productive marriage

Four people I tag:

1. Kirsti
2. Kimme
3. Jessica G.
4. Allison B. :)


Lindsay said...

Chelsea, what exactly is a Basal Ganglia? Well, whatever it is, I think mine needs a break, too. lol I totally agree about wanting healthy kids, too. Why do I feel like one sickness is only days away from the next? Hope you guys are doing well!

ColleenDown said...

Thanks for playing "tag" with us! It is always so fun to hear what others are thinking. Did we tag, Lindsay? I spent several days at the hospital with my StepDad and his "student" nurse was studying to be a psyche nurse--it made me think of you (just living around my house should make me think of you) . I love the family picture on your blog. What a darling family! I guess I need to check out the "housewives" shows--Can you imagine "Real Housewives-Draper, Ut?"

Heather said...

Your new pictures are GORGEOUS! I love reading your answers, and I just realized I forgot to do my favorite things about winter.

Alli said...

You 'tagged'me??
What do you want me to do???